I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Friday, February 11, 2011

Simple Joys

Hudson, my dad, me & Mam (his mom)

I am so incredibly blessed to be almost 30 (gulp!) and have a Mam (grandma) who is very active, healthy and with it at a young age of 86!  Every year she comes and spends about a month with us during the summer and every other year she spends Christmas with us.  She was a HUGE help after each of Hudson's surgeries.  Helping to entertain him so that I could have a few moments of peace.

Mam & Hudson

This little boy ADORES his Mam more than I could of ever imagined!  (He has a pretty special place in her heart too!)  Hudson can convince Mam to be baptised a hundred times, build a playhouse, do a flip, play church, hide in a dark closet, build blocks, share her favorite treats, drag her to the boat parade in crazy wind and "take" a nap.  I pray that he will always remember these special moments with a very special Mam!

Mam & Hudson @ Kemah Boat Parade

Is she not precious?!?!

I attempt to be the good granddaughter and call her once a week.  This week I called and she immediately went into a story that I thought was so Mam that I needed to document it so that I will always remember it!

me: Hey Mam, how are you?
Mam: I'm doing great!  I did something crazy today...
me thinking: Oh no, did you go sky diving???
Mam: When I was brushing my teeth today I realized how much I like the new cap on the toothpaste.  I looked at the back of the tube and saw an 800 number.  It said please call with any concerns or comments and I thought that I should call Colgate and let them know that I like the new cap.

(conversation with the Colgate representative)
Colgate: How can I help you?
Mam: I just wanted to call and let you know that I LOVE the new cap on the toothpaste I use.
Colgate: Well thank you so much!
Mam: Please don't ever change it, I really like it.
Colgate:  Thank you so much, I appreciate you calling, I will pass this along.

(back to me)
Mam:  The best part Steph was that they sent me a big thing of coupons!  I got 2 coupons for free toothpaste and several for 75 cents off!

Oh how I love that lady!!  I love that she finds joy in the simple things!


Dad said...

That's my Mom!!

Mom said...

So funny! You should have included the picture of her parasailing at age 82!!!

Gulley Gang said...

You got some great pictures of Mam! I'm cracking up at the toothpaste story though because as much as she loves it, I hate that new lid. I broke one hinge using it the first time and now toothpaste leaks out and all over our cabinet. Such a pain, ha! Love her story though, thanks for the smile ;)

Judy said...

You are so blessed to still have her in your life. And Hudson is so blessed to be able to spend so many precious moments with her. I she will have many many active years to come.
Love you,

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Melissa said...

That is hilarious and so Mam!!! She is so precious and I hope to be as funa nd full of life at her age. Not sure I am even at this age....hee!hee! Hudson is so blessed to have her and we are too! Thanks for sharing her with us!!! We love her so much!!! Kisses to Mam!!!